We interviewed a total of 7 people. We asked people whose ages ranged from 32-65. We asked them at AMK Hub and told them our purpose of asking them a few questions.
We asked them the following questions:
1. Are you married?/ Yes, How many children do you have? or How many children are you planning to have?/ No, How many children do you intend to have after getting married?
2.Why do you want to have children? or Why you do not want to have any children?
3.Are you planing to have more children?
4. What is stopping you from having more than 1-2 children?
5.What are the other reasons why singaporeans do not want to have children?
6.What do you think can happen if Singapore continues to have a low birth rate?
7.What can the government do to encourage you to have more children?
introduction missing? results & analysis? Conclusion?